The cost of a return
Just what does a returned drive cost your company?
Here are a few hard costs involved:
- Shipping – shipping the bad drive from the customer back to you, plus shipping a replacement drive back to the customer. Shipping times two. Shipping adds nothing to your bottom line, in fact it takes away. Shipping is expensive, period.
- Handling – receiving in the drive, unpacking it, matching up the paperwork, putting the drive through a test and screening process to determine if it really is bad and if so can it be fixed. Einstein proved that Time Equals Money – and once again handling is a negative on your bottom line.
- A replacement drive – the bad drive may no longer be in warrantee and so you may need to subtract the cost of another disk drive from your bottom line.
- Customer Good-Will – this is probably the most valuable item on this list. You’ve spent years building the good reputation of your company, and years building relationships with your customers. We all know that those relationships can be fragile and certainly must be maintained. Not having your drives fail pays back over and over again when you customer goes to buy more.
How are your returns?
Any returns are a problem. And more returns is a BIG problem. But this problem has a solution.
How would you like to have this to say about your return situation:
“We used to have dozens of drives returned each month. Since setting up testing using the STB Suite our returns have dropped to almost zero. Truthfully, we have had six drives returned in the past 12 months since we began testing using the STB Suite.”
Dozens of returns = bad, expensive, bad customer relations
Six returns in a year = not so bad, not very expensive, customers think highly of you!
Why the STB Suite?
We talk with companies all the time who actually don’t test the product they ship!
And we talk to companies who try to test the drives they shipped using free manufacturer-supplied utilities.
And we talk to companies who know they have a return problem but just don’t have the in-house technical expertise to even know where to begin to set up a final test setup.
None of these situations is a good one. Not testing or using freeway is a lot like walking across a frozen lake. It may be fine, maybe for a while, but chances are that someday the ice is going to break!
Let us help
We’ve been supplying disk, tape, and jukebox test solutions for over 20 years. Many of our employees come from system integration and drive reselling backgrounds. We understand your goals – you want to ship the highest quality product, in the fastest time, and have the product “stick”.
We’ve helped hundreds of companies, we’re ready to help you!
Let us have 30 minutes of your time to show you how we can help you meet those goals and add to your bottom line.
Schedule Live Interactive Presentation with the STB Suite Team here.