A powerful new feature in the STB Suite version 8.7 is user customizable reports for DMM. This new feature lets you include any information in the DMM log files.
Per Test-Step information
You can define any information you want printed for each test step by clicking the Advanced Options button and filling in your text in the new Special Text to Log for this Test field. This field is found near the bottom of the Advanced Options page –
As an example we will create a test sequence to run a DoD5220 disk purge operation. As you see in the example above we have defined the text“DoD5220-write pass 1” for the first test step. We will define each of the remaining test steps in the same format.
By clicking on the View Test Sequence Details button you can see what special text is defined for each test step –
Overall Test information
You can define two new pieces of information for the overall test at runtime, an Operator ID and a general text information. This information can be entered in the Test Loop Count dialog which appears when you click the Start Test button –
Log file output
Here is an example of the DMM log file output from running our DoD purge sequence with the new text options highlighted –
>> SCSI Toolbox32, Version 8. 7. 0 (build) 130104, running on \\W7TEST <<
>> Default Driver: 10, Operating System: Windows 7<<
>> Number of Drives Under Test: 1 <<
Test Date: 01/14/2013 09:40:58
Test Pass: 1
Device: 4:274:0 Vendor: ATA, Product: WDC WD800JD-75MS Serial: WD-WMAM99304523, Version: 1E01
Capacity: 1.02 GB, BlockSize: 512 (0x200)
Script Filename: C:\Users\mikej\Documents\aaa-DoD5220.seq
— SPECIAL TEXT: DoD5220 Disk Purge Test – 3 pass write & verify
— TEXT FOR THIS TEST: DoD5220-write pass 1
01/14/2013 09:40:58 TEST 1 of 4:
Write Test; Sequential; for 2,000,000 Blocks
Fixed-Length Transfers of 128 (0x0080) Blocks
Start Block: 0
Data Pattern: All Zeros
Queue Depth = 1
Stop-on-Error Type: Stop Current Test
01/14/2013 09:41:15 Test Completed Successfully
Transfer Rate: 57.41 MB/sec
I/O Per Second: 919.12 IO/sec
Number of Blocks Transferred: 2,000,000
Fastest Command Completion Time: 0.496 ms
Slowest Command Completion Time: 18.927 ms
Average Command Completion Time: 1.066 ms
Standard Deviation of Command Completion Times: 0.414 ms
01/14/2013 09:41:15 PASSED
— TEXT FOR THIS TEST: DoD5220-write pass 2
01/14/2013 09:41:15 TEST 2 of 4:
Write Test; Sequential; for 2,000,000 Blocks
Fixed-Length Transfers of 128 (0x0080) Blocks
Start Block: 0
Data Pattern: All Ones
Queue Depth = 1
Stop-on-Error Type: Stop Current Test
01/14/2013 09:41:32 Test Completed Successfully