STB Suite

DMM Test List

New DMM Test List

This article will give a brief description of each predefined test step available in DMM, in STB Suite version 8.7



Access Methods

In cases of test steps which write or read the drive you will need to define the Access Method you want the test step to use.  The access method is chosen from the list at the top of the Test Setup display


This access method will choose a random LBA for each I/O.
Note: There are several caveats to using this access method:
– this access method can at times access a given LBA multiple times
-This access method may not generate LBAs over the entire capacity of the drive
-LBA’s may be “missed” – that is to say that there is no guarantee that all blocks on the drive will be accessed.
To overcome these limitations use the CPAM access method.


This access method will step through the drives LBA’s sequentially, starting at the LBA specified in the Start LBA field.


Assuming a transfer length of 1,this access method will access LBA zero, then the highest LBA, then LBA zero plus 1, then the maximum LBA minus 1, etc. repeating this pattern. The access pattern “bounces” from the lowest to highest block, incrementing the lowest and decrementing the highest, which if graphed would show a butterfly shaped pattern.  It is a good access method to use to generate a lot of head movement.


CPAM is an acronym for Cyclic Permutation Access Method
CPAM produces an evenly distributed random LBA access pattern while guaranteeing that each LBA will be accessed once and only once.  Other random access methods miss entire block ranges, repeat some LBAs while never hitting others, no matter how long they are run. CPAM overcomes all of those shortcomings.
The advantages of the CPAM access method are:
-Truly random LBA’s are generated for each I/O
-An LBA will only be accessed once
-All LBA’s will be accessed
The CPAM access method is the best or most random of the access methods. It will physically stress the drive to its maximum and because of it’s true random access it will prevent any drive caching from being effective. This results is a low I/O rate, traded off with the guarantee that all LBA’s will be hit once and only once in a truly random fashion.

Predefined Test Steps


The verify test step will issue VERIFY commands if the drive under test is a SCSI, SAS, or FC drive. If the DUT is a SATA drive it will issue single-block READ commands.


The Write test will issue WRITE commands of the size specified in the Transfer Size, using the selected data pattern.


The Write/Verify test will issue a WRITE command of the size specified in the Transfer Size, using the selected data pattern, followed by either a VERIFY command for SCSI, SAS, or FC drives, or a single-block READ command for SATA drives.


The Read test will issue READ commands of the size specified in the Transfer Size. If the Compare on Reads checkbox is checked the data will be compared  using the selected data pattern.


The Write/Read test will issue a WRITE command of the size specified in the Transfer Size, using the selected data pattern, followed by a READ command. If the Compare on Reads checkbox is checked the data will be compared  using the selected data pattern.


The Seek test will issue SEEK commands to SCSI, SAS, or FC drives, or a single-block READ command to SATA drives.

FW Download

The FW Download test is used to download microcode to the DUT. The test uses a segmented write buffer command and will work with all drive types. The microcode file path and name is specified in theDownload File/External Program Executable field. The Browse button may be used to specify the firmware file.


The Format test will issue a FORMAT command with no options set to the DUT.

Spin Down/Up

The Spin Down/Up test will stop and start the DUT. The number of Stop-Start cycles is specified in the Advanced Options tab, along with the time delay in seconds to wait  between cycles.


The Synchronize test step is used to cause all drives under test to synchronize their position in the test sequence. This allows drives with different I/O rates to proceed to the next test step together. In other words, faster drives will wait until all other (slower) drives have finished all proceeding test steps, then all drives will start the next step at the same time.

External Program

The External Program test step allows an external executable program to be called as a test step. The external program is passed the DUT’s address information and in return will look at the completion status of the external program. Information from the external program may be logged into the DMM log files. This test step opens the door for any new or custom test to be added to DMM. Some examples are controlling an environmental chamber, accessing vendor-unique log information, or running any existing tests in a test environment.


The PList test step will log the number of Primary defects to the log file. It is only applicable to SCS, SAS, or FC drives.


The GList test step will log the number of Grown defects to the log file. It is only applicable to SCS, SAS, or FC drives.

User Defined

The User Defined test step allows a user-defined CDB to be issued to the DUT. These can be SCSI CDB’s up to 16 bytes, or 28-bit or 48-bit ATA task register commands.

Clear Log Pages

The Clear Log Pages  test step will issue a LOG SELECT command to clear all clearable LOG PAGE values. It is only applicable to SCSI, SAS, or FC drives. It is commonly used to zero out all error counters before starting a test.

Save Log Pages

The Save Log Pages  test step will issue a LOG SENSE command and will write all returned data in ASCII-Hex format to the log file. It is only applicable to SCSI, SAS, or FC drives.

Bus Reset

The Bus Reset test step will attempt to cause a BUS RESET condition on the adapter which the DUT is connected to.

Drive Selftest

The Drive Selftest test step will cause a SCSI DST (short) to be run on a SCSI, SAS, or FC drive, or will cause a SATA SMART SELFTEST (short) to be run on SATA drives.


The Streaming test simulates the functions of a video or audio streaming computer application. It
consists of :
– transfer size = large random between 64 and 128 blocks
– access method = sequential
– each transfer step = write or read
The Write/Read ratios are set using the Advanced Options tab Write/Read I/O Ratio setting


The OLTP test simulates the functions of an Online Transaction Processing computer
application. It consists of:

  • transfer size = random between 4 and 32 blocks
  • access method = random

–      each transfer step = (read, write )

The Write/Read ratios are set using the Advanced Options tab Write/Read I/O Ratio setting

File Server

The File Server  test simulates the functions of a typical file server computer application. It consists

  •  transfer size = random between 8 blocks and 128 blocks
  •  access method = random

–     each transfer
– 1 out of 5 = write
– 4 out of 5 = read
The Write/Read ratios are set using the Advanced Options tab Write/Read I/O Ratio setting

Web Server

The Web Server  test simulates the functions of a typical web server computer application. It consists

  • transfer size = random between 1 blk and 1024 blks
  • access method = random
  • each transfer = read



The Workstation  test simulates the functions of a typical workstation computer application. It
consists of:
– transfer size = random between 1 and 32 blocks
–  access method =
– 8 out of 10 = random
– 2 out of 10 = sequential from previous
–  each transfer =
-4 out of 5 = read
-1 out of 5 = write
The Write/Read ratios are set using the Advanced Options tab Write/Read I/O Ratio setting


The Delay test step inserts a delay of a specified number of seconds in the test sequence. The number of seconds to delay is specified on the Advanced Options page using the Delay checkbox and the Number of Seconds to Delay field. If a delay is not specified the test will default to a delay of 60 seconds.


The AdjTkIntf (Adjacent Track Interference Test) test step tests for data integrity between physical tracks on the DUT.
Adjacent tracks are considered to be adjacent tracks on the same platter (NOT adjacent tracks on the same cylinder).  So given a track uniquely characterized by its Cyl:Hd values, the track “to the left” is (Cyl – 1):Hd, while the track to the right is (Cyl + 1):Hd.  Call these 3 tracks Tr_L, Tr_M, Tr_R.  We write “All Zeroes” to all 3 tracks.  Then we write a different pattern to Tr_M (the number of times we write to Tr_M is what you input on the Advanced Options edit box “Number of Writes to Middle Track”).  After writing track Tr_M say 100,000 times, we then look to track Tr_L, and Tr_R and see if “All Zeroes” is still there.  If there is all zeroes, the test succeeds.   If any bit is different, the test fails.
The test parameters are defined on the Advanced Options page –


The SMART test step allows pass/fail thresholds to be set against any SMART attribute. The test will also log all SMART attribute data to the log file in raw ASCII-Hex format as well as interpreted –

As shown above, an overall failure threshold may be set if ANY parameter decreases to within a user-specified number of its attribute threshold.
Specific thresholds may also be set checking any attributes RAW data against (<= or >=) a user specified value.
If none of the Fail on check boxes are set the test step will simply log all SMART data to the log file.
This test is applicable only to SATA drives.



Drive Info


The Drive Info test step logs all available drive information to the log file. In the case of SCSI,SAS, or FC drives this information will be retrieved from the drive using a series of INQUIRY commands –
Drive INQUIRY information:
Vendor = SEAGATE 
Product = ST3450857SS     
Revision = ES62
Device Type =  Direct Access
Removable Media = No
Dual Port
Width = 8 bit
Queuing Supported
SCSI Level = 5
Serial Number = 3SK00EMN
WWN = 5000C50000798065
Drive Temperature = 22


In the case of SATA drives the test will issue an IDENTIFY command as well as retrieve the SMART data and SMART SELFTEST log data – a large amount of data is logged as shown with some of the data truncated –
SATA IDENTIFY data follows:
0C 5A 3F FF C8 37 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00
00 00 00 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
39 51 4A 32 38 30 54 35 00 00 00 00 00 04 41 4E
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 97 A5

Data truncated …

Model Number = ST31000340NS
Serial Number =             9QJ280T5
Firmware Version = AN05
# of Sectors transferred per interrupt = 16
Trusted Computing feature set NOT supported
Standby timer values supported
IORDY supported
IORDY may be disabled
LBA supported
DMA supported
The BLOCK ERASE EXT command is NOT supported
The OVERWRITE EXT command is NOT supported
The CRYPTO SCRAMBLED EXT command is NOT supported
The Sanitize feature set is NOT supported
# of lgical sectors xferred per DRQ data block on READ/WRITE Multiple commands = 0
# of user addressable sectors = 268435455
# of user addressable sectors (48-bit Addressing) = 1953525168
Deterministic data in trimmed LBA range is NOT supported
Long Physical Sector Alignment Error Reporting Control is NOT supported
READ BUFFER DMA is NOT supported
Optional ATA device 28-bit commands are supported
Trimmed LBA ranges(s) returning zeroed data is NOT supported
Device DOES NOT Encrypt All User DAata on the device
Extended Number of User Addressable Sectors is NOT supported
All write cache is NOT non-volatile
Maximum Queue Depth = 32
DOES NOT Support READ LOG DMA EXT as quivalent to READ LOG EXT
DOES NOT Support Device Automatic Partial to Slumber transitions
DOES NOT Support Host Automatic Partial to Slumber transitions
DOES NOT Support NCQ Priority Information
DOES NOT Support Unload while NCQ Commands are outstanding
Supports PHY event counters
DOES NOT Support recpt of host power mngmnt requests
Supports the NQC feature set
Does Not Support SATA Gen-3 speed (3.0Gb/s)
Supports SATA Gen-2 speed (3.0Gb/s)
Supports SATA Gen-1 speed (1.5Gb/s)
DOES NOT Support NCQ Queue Management Command
DOES NOT Support NCQ streaming
Coded current negotiated SATA signal speed = 0
Does Not Support NCQ Autosense
Supports Software Settings Preservation
Does Not Support Hardware Feature Control
Does Not Support in order data delivery
Does Not Support initiating power management
Does Not Support DMA setup auto-activation
Does Not Support non-zero buffer offsets
Automatic Partial to Slumber transitions NOT Enabled
Software Settings Preservation Enabled
Hardware Feature Control is NOT Enabled
in order data recovery NOT enabled
Device initiated power management NOT enabled
DMA setup auto-activation NOT enabled
non-zero buffer offsets NOT enabled
Does NOT Support ACS-2
Supports ATA8-ACS
Supports ATA/ATAPI7
Supports ATA/ATAPI6
Supports ATA/ATAPI5
Supports ATA/ATAPI4
NOP command NOT supported
READ BUFFER command NOT supported
WRITE BUFFER command NOT supported
Host protected area NOT supported
DEVICE RESET command NOT supported
SERVICE interrupt supported
release interrupt supported
Read look ahead supported
write cache supported
Power Management feature set NOT supported
Removeable Media feature set NOT supported
Security Mode feature set supported
SMART feature set NOT supported
FLUSH CACHE EXT command supported
FLUSH CACHE command supported
Device Configuration Overlay supported
48 bit address supported
Automatic Acoustic Management NOT supported
SET MAX security extension supported
Address Offset Reserved Area Boot NOT supported
SET FEATURES required to spinup NOT supported
Power-up in Standby feature NOT supported
Removeable Media Status feature NOT supported
Advanced Power Management feature NOT supported
CFA feature set NOT supported
DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command supported
64 bit WWN supported
WRITE DMA QUEUED FUA EXT command NOT  supported
GPL feature set supported
Streaming feature set NOT supported
Media Card Pass Through NOT supported
Media Serial Number NOT supported
SMART Self-test supported
SMART Error Logging supported
READ BUFFER command supported
WRITE BUFFER command supported
HPA area has been established
DEVICE RESET command NOT supported
Volatile write cache enabled
Media Serial Number NOT supported
Words 120:119 are valid
FLUSH CACHE EXT command supported
FLUSH CACHE command supported
Device Configuration Overlay supported
48-bit Address features set supported
Automatic Acoustic Management feature set NOT enabled
SET FEATURES subcommand NOT required to spin-up after power-up
Power-Up in Standby feature set NOT enabled
Advanced Power Management feature set NOT enabled
CFA feature set NOT supported
READ/WRITE DMA QUEUED command NOT supported
DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command supported
64 bit world wide name supported
WRITE DMA QUEUED FUA EXT command NOT supported
General purpose logging feature set supported
Media Serial Number is NOT valid
SMART self-test supported
SMART error logging supported
Ultra DMA mode 6 is selected
Ultra DMA mode 5 is NOT selected
Ultra DMA mode 4 is NOT selected
Ultra DMA mode 3 is NOT selected
Ultra DMA mode 2 is NOT selected
Ultra DMA mode 1 is NOT selected
Ultra DMA mode 0 is NOT selected
Ultra DMA mode 6 and below are supported
Ultra DMA mode 5 and below are supported
Ultra DMA mode 4 and below are supported
Ultra DMA mode 3 and below are supported
Ultra DMA mode 2 and below are supported
Ultra DMA mode 1 and below are supported
Ultra DMA mode 0 and below are supported
Time for Normal Security Erase Unit = 99
Time for Enhanced Security Erase Unit = 99
Current APM level value = 1
Master Password Identifier = 65535
Device is a SATA device
Device detected the CBLID- below Vihb
Stream Minimum Request Size = 0
Stream Transfer Time – DMA = 0
Streaming Access Latency – DMA and PIO = 0
Streaming Performance Granularity = 0
Number of User Addressable Logical Sectors = 1953525168
Streaming Transfer Time – PIO = 0
Maximum number of 512-byte blocks per DATA SET MANAGEMENT command = 0
Device does NOT have multiple logical sectors per physical sector
Device logical sector is NOT longer than 256 Words
SATA WWN = 50 00 C5 00 0D D3 D7 84
Logical sector size  = 0
DSN feature set NOT supported
Accessible Max Address Configurationfeature set NOT supported
Extended Power Conditions feature set NOT supported
Sense Data Reporting feature set NOT supported
Free-fall control feature set NOT supported
Segmented Download Microcode feature supported
READ and WRITE DMA EXT GPL option commands supported
Write-Read-Verify feature set is supported
DSN feature set NOT enabled
Extended Power Conditions feature set NOT enabled
Sense Data Reporting feature set NOT enabled
Free-fall control feature set NOT enabled
Segmented Download Microcode (mode 3)feature enabled
READ and WRITE DMA EXT GPL option commands enabled
Write-Read-Verify feature set is enabled
Enhanced Security Erase supported
Security count NOT expired
Security NOT Frozen
Security NOT locked
Security NOT Enabled
Security Supported
Device Nominal Form Factor = 0
the Trim bit in the DATA SET MANAGEMENT command is NOT supported
The SCT Data Tables command is supported
The SCT Feature Control command is supported
The SCT Error Recovery Control command is supported
The SCT Write Same command is supported
The SCT Command Transport is supported
Nominal Media Rotation Rate = 0
SATA 2.6
Minimum # of 512 byte blocks per download segment = 0
Maximum # of 512 byte blocks per download segment = 0


SMART Log File Information Follows:
This drive has 16 SMART self-test log entries
Log Entry #0
– Content of the LBA Field = 0x01
Execute SMART Short test imediately in off-line mode
– Self Test Execution Byte = 0x18
The self-test was aborted by the host
– Life Timestamp (LSB) = 0x8D
– Life Timestamp (MSB) = 0x03
-Power-on hours when this test was run = 909
– SelfTest Failure checkpoint byte = 0x07
– Failing LBA (7:0)   = 0x00
– Failing LBA (15:5)  = 0x00
– Failing LBA (23:16) = 0x00
– Failing LBA (27:24) = 0x00
-LBA where error occurred = 0x00 (0)

Log Entry #1
– Content of the LBA Field = 0x01
Execute SMART Short test imediately in off-line mode
– Self Test Execution Byte = 0x00
Previous self-test completed without error or no self-test has ever been run
– Life Timestamp (LSB) = 0x8E
– Life Timestamp (MSB) = 0x03
-Power-on hours when this test was run = 910
– SelfTest Failure checkpoint byte = 0x09
– Failing LBA (7:0)   = 0x00
– Failing LBA (15:5)  = 0x00
– Failing LBA (23:16) = 0x00
– Failing LBA (27:24) = 0x00
-LBA where error occurred = 0x00 (0)

Data Truncated…

Log Entry #15
– Content of the LBA Field = 0x01
Execute SMART Short test imediately in off-line mode
– Self Test Execution Byte = 0x23
The self-test was interrupted by the host
– Life Timestamp (LSB) = 0x41
– Life Timestamp (MSB) = 0x16
-Power-on hours when this test was run = 5697
– SelfTest Failure checkpoint byte = 0x09
– Failing LBA (7:0)   = 0x00
– Failing LBA (15:5)  = 0x00
– Failing LBA (23:16) = 0x00
– Failing LBA (27:24) = 0x00
-LBA where error occurred = 0x00 (0)


Drive Temperature = 20





SSD Precondition

The SSD Precondition Test prepares a SSD drive for testing or benchmarking by:

  • Writes the entire drive sequential TWICE
  • Takes 1-minute measurements of the performance of the drive for atleast 5 measurements
  • Given a group of 5 measurements, it uses the SNIA definition for when the drive’s performance has reached a “steady state” (definition is contained below)
  • If any group of 5 measurements is NOT in a “steady state”, another group of 5 measurements is taken.  The test completes only when the drive is in a “steady state”

Definition of “Steady State”:
Criteria #1: The maximum of the 5 measurements minus the minimum of the 5 measurements must be less than 20% of the average of the 5 measurements
Criteria #2: After computing the Least Squares Line thru the 5 measurements, the max on this line minus the min on this line must be less than 10% of the average of the 5 measurements.