STB Suite

What are the most common installation errors reported by customers doing an upgrade or an install

The answers are 1. seeing the error message “Access is denied” and 2. Seeing the error message “Performa Support period expired”

Access is Denied

This error is caused by attempting to run the STB Suite installation from a CD or DVD drive.

To avoid this error simply copy or unzip the STB Suite installation package on to your test systems hard drive and run the install from there.


Performa Expired

This error is caused by your USB key not having been updated when you renewed your Performa coverage. Navigate to the folder HASP Files in your STB folder and run the program STBCustomerKeyUpdateVer81.exe. You will see this screen –

Click on Create Request File and you will see

Email the file to You will receive an update file in response. When you get the update file run STBCustomerKeyUpdateVer81.exe again, this time click on Load Key Update File. Select the update file and your key will be updated with your new Performa information and you will see the message

Note: The above process is assuming that you have indeed renewed or kept your Performa coverage current and just forgot to do the key update process at that time. If you have any questions as to the status of your Performa coverage such as expiration date just email a question to and include the four-digit serial number from the label on your USB key, or include the update request file from the steps above.