STB can help with your engineering, including design verification, QA, performance, and final burn-in testing.
We have been helping customers like Seagate, HP, Dell/EMC, NetApp, WD/HGST, STK/SUN/Oracle and so many more for over two decades develop a quick, repeatable, solid test solution tailored to your business needs that is built using cost effective hardware running in Windows and Linux environments.
The STB Suite is completely flexible to the type of testing you need it to do. We can show you how to customize the tests to fit into a your requirements – protocols, volume of testing, time constraints, performance, customized logging and more.
With the STB Suite you’re getting years of storage testing experience wrapped up in a time proven test solution that includes outstanding support from our approachable team dedicated to making you succeed.
Whether you’re an engineer, manager, CEO or business owner we can help you and your company provide the best product that’s been thoroughly tested with the Industry Standard in Peripheral Testing for well over two decades.
The STB Suite has been consistently improved for over two decades and has been shaped by our customers input, requests and usage.