Hard Drive Screening, Qualifying, and Burn-In Software Solutions
Introduction to the Disk Manufacturing Module Family
Defining a Test Sequence to test your Hard Disk Drives
A DMM Test Sequence is a sequence of test steps defined from the Disk Manufacturing Module (DMM) included in the STB Suite.
These steps are picked from a list and added into the Test Sequence one at a time, defining all test parameters as you go.
- Access method (sequential, random, butterfly, CPAM), test type (Read, Write), data pattern, blocks per I/O, overlay, run by time or by number of blocks are definable for each test step
- Test types cover all types of disk tests from simple to complex such as the I/O Profile test types.
- Additional functions such as download firmware, INDENTIFY & SMART data collection, and running external programs allow total customization.
Advanced Options allow fine-tuning of Queue Depth, Overlay information, how to deal with errors, and other advanced test items.
Once a Test Sequence is defined it can be edited, modified, viewed with all parameter details and tested.
The Sequence can then be saved and played back either from within DMM or by using the two DME – Disk Manufacturing Engines
Test Details showing all test parameters may be printed or saved to a file
Test Summaries. 5 Tests Defined:
TEST 1 of 5:
Write Test; Sequential; for 10000 Blocks
Fixed-Length Transfers of 17 (0x0011) Blocks
Start Block: 0 (0x0)
Data Pattern: Incrementing w/ LBA Overlay
Queue Depth = 1
Timeout Value = 30
Action on Error: Stop Current Test
TEST 2 of 5:
Write Test; Sequential; for 10000 Blocks
Fixed-Length Transfers of 17 (0x0011) Blocks
Start Block: 10000 (0x2710)
Data Pattern: Decrementing w/ LBA Overlay
Queue Depth = 1
Timeout Value = 30
Action on Error: Stop Current Test
TEST 3 of 5:
Read Test; Sequential; for 10000 Blocks
Fixed-Length Transfers of 17 (0x0011) Blocks
Start Block: 0 (0x0)
Data Pattern: Incrementing w/ LBA Overlay; Data Compare ON
Queue Depth = 1
Timeout Value = 30
Action on Error: Stop Current Test
Multiple Modules can use your sequence files after they have been defined and saved.
The Linux & Windows DME engines are GUI-less command-line programs. Parameters are passed via the command-line to specify the test sequence file to run and the device(s) to run the sequence against.
- Individual disks may be specified, or all disks on one or more HBAs may be specified.
- The DME Engines output test results to ASCII text files. All test steps are shown with all test parameters.
- Any error information such as command failure or data compare creates detailed data in the log files.
- Performance metrics are also logged to the log files